July 23 Pizza Farm in the Alley

Last year when Gigi and Robinette were just getting started on some of their Pizza Farm marathons, our friend, Bea, casually said, “Why don’t you just come over to Powderhorn and we can have our own Pizza Night with my parents’ neighborhood wood-fired brick pizza oven.”  In my head I could not believe that someone…

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July 12 Red Barn Farm

It is peak Pizza Farm Season in the Midwest and Red Barn Farm was hopping last night.  It was sunny and hot, but with a nice breeze and shade that spread over the lawn as the evening continued.  Gigi and Robinette were back at it and we brought a new friend, Mike.  Mike was intrigued…

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July 2nd 9 Miles East Farm

My family vacation to upstate New York took me out of range of Midwest Pizza Farms for a full week.  Instead of holding me back from my Pizza Farm goals, my Mom helped me turn it into a great opportunity to explore some new territory!  With the power of the internet and the searching skills…

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