July 2nd 9 Miles East Farm

July 2nd 9 Miles East Farm

My family vacation to upstate New York took me out of range of Midwest Pizza Farms for a full week.  Instead of holding me back from my Pizza Farm goals, my Mom helped me turn it into a great opportunity to explore some new territory!  With the power of the 2017-07-02 19.05.39internet and the searching skills that earned her the nickname, “Magic Mom” many many years ago, my mother located 9 Miles East Farm; 29 beautiful acres in the Adirondack area and right along the Hudson River, less than an hour from where both my parents grew up and where much of their family still lives and where we were all attending my cousin’s graduation party.  9 Miles East is a farm with a mission to bring healthy farm fresh food to their community and one of the ways they do it is by making and delivering pizza.  So, without even knowing it, they joined the ranks of the Pizza Farm movement that I am chronicling.

The Pizza Menu is available for delivery or pick-up.  Mom emailed a few days before and explained that we don’t live in the area and asked if there was any place we could eat on 20170702_191700the farm.  She also let them know that her daughter (me) was writing a blog about Pizza Farms.  Although they had no idea what she was talking about, they welcomed us, agreed to set up a few tables and chairs, provided plates napkins, and water, and showed a true sense of hospitality.

Our party of 11, including my parents, cousins, siblings, nephews, and niece, finished about half of the 5 pizzas we ordered.  It worked out well, because we were able to take the leftovers back and share it with even more aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Everyone was impressed with the quality!

From the website I could tell that each pizza was a work of local art.  Every ingredient was thoughtfully and locally sourced.  The dough is fermented for 3 days and creates a unique taste for the sauce, cheese, and toppings.  Even my nephews, who have been known to be picky eaters, enjoyed 9 Miles East specialty pizza and ate their fill.  I can’t say for sure that my niece felt the same, but hey, you can’t win ’em all.

It didn’t take much to fill up.  Although a thin crust style pizza, the crust was heavy and filling.  Not to mention we had just come from the graduation party and didn’t leave our stomachs a lot of room.

The owners of the farm were on a rare family vacation themselves, so we didn’t get to thank them in person, but we were so appreciative of Emma and the other employees that helped make our evening so enjoyable.  As we finished the sun was coming through the clouds just enough to make everything turn golden, before dusk and sunset on our way home through the rolling green mountains.

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