May 23 AtoZ

May 23 AtoZ

Despite some rain and gray skies, we had another successful Pizza Farm trip to AtoZ Produce in Stockholm, Wisconsin.  Five of us smushed into one car and made our way through the start of St. Paul’s rush hour, just barely getting to Stockholm Pie Company in time to clear out most of their remaining inventory for the evening.  The news that starting in June, they will be open until 5:30pm will make our drives much more relaxed!
When we arrived at AtoZ, we saw Robbi and Ted, the AtoZ Pizza Farmers, getting their pictures taken and interviewing two staff from SAVEUR magazine!  I have 2017-05-23 17.58.12already resubscribed to this periodical, because I am so excited for the possibility of AtoZ being mentioned.  And they have some pretty fun recipes, so that doesn’t hurt.  In the past month, I’ve actually made Chestnut Tortellini and a Ramp Morel Pizza from SAVEUR, but of course I couldn’t think of that when I spoke with the writer an photographer.  We lured them into a conversation by offering them Triple Chocolate Pecan Pie and Coconut Cream Pie.  I was forced to confess that I don’t know how to pronounce SAVEUR, and I was told many people struggle with this and the best hint is 2017-05-23 22.48.38that it rhymes with CAT FUR.  So now you know.  We also used our excess pie to lure the other folks dining in the Coop, a cozy barn-like structure set up with tables, chairs, and a wood stove, and made some new friends.

Meeting the SAVEUR staff was exciting, but the baby animals still stole the show.  We saw a week old calf and several teeny tiny baby sheep!  The piglets had grown up a bit, but were still fun to see.  Follow @lastnightspizzabox on Instagram to see some great videos and pictures.

As always, the PIZZA was delicious!  We stuck with our Pizza Ordering Formula : Total Number of People – 1 = Number of Pizzas ordered.  We ordered 4.  All of them were so good.  Favorites included the Asparagus and the Cilantro Pesto with Hot Peppers.  The Allium Family Trilogy included chive blossoms, so that may have been the prettiest.  And the Spinach, Caramelized Onion, Kalamata Olives did not disappoint.

We left with full stomachs, wet boots and feet from walking around the farm, and some leftover slices.  The setting sun on the long ride home was beautiful.  You gotta love this time of year when it is still light out at 9pm.

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1 Reply on “May 23 AtoZ

  1. AHHH A to Z! And pies!!!!!! What an evening!!! Someday, we will get some pie!!! Nice review!!

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