October 3 A to Z Produce and Bakery

October 3 A to Z Produce and Bakery


We’ve entered the final month of the 2017 Pizza Farm season and I am ready for a strong finish.  Over the weekend, Robinette texted me and said, “Are we going Tuesday even though it is supposed to be thunderstorms?”  I replied, “Yes,” and she replied, “Good.”

Tuesday rolled around and Gina and the Robins stocked up on La Croix and chips and headed out of the city.  We made it to the Pie Shop, thankful that we left early enough to get there by 5pm and chatted with Steve about the winding down of Pizza Farm season.  I’ve noticed that quite a few people are a little concerned for me, wondering how I will get through the winter without Pizza Farms.  Don’t worry, everyone.  I’ll be ok, but I appreciate that you care.

Once we arrived at A to Z, all the raining and storming stopped.  We actually picked out seats in the Coop, but almost immediately decided that we’d enjoy ourselves more sitting outside, enjoying a perfect fall evening in our regular spot at our number one favorite Pizza Farm.  We split two half and half pizzas and caught up with the A to Z farmers a little about all the changes going on in our lives.  One of the reasons A to Z will always be my number one favorite is that they remember us.  Even after visiting just a few times, Robbi and Ted and the other employees began to recognize me and over the years they have met my whole family and I have learned about theirs.  I am proud to say that you can find me referenced in an online article by Saveur stating that A to Z is the greatest.

This week was no exception.  Our favorite farmers greeted us with hugs and hellos.  The autumn pizza toppings included so many of my favorites from hot peppers to cauliflower to eggplant to squash.  The walk around the grounds provided a calming and relaxing change of pace from the daily grind of our city lives.  We found the cows, the goat, the sheep, the chickens, and the pigs.  Our dessert of cherry, chocolate, and coconut cream pie hit the spot.  And to finish off the night, the nearly full moon rose over the clouds as the sun was setting for one of those A to Z pizza farm views that will keep me coming back every chance I get.  I can’t wait to go back.


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