October 24 A to Z Produce and Bakery

October 24 A to Z Produce and Bakery

Every week I get a little more emotional about the end of Pizza Farm Season 2017.  For this trip, Robin and I made great time to Stockholm, surprising all the Pie Shop staff by walking in at least 15 minutes before closing time.  The owner saw us and immediately checked the clock.  We were expecting a decent sized group of 8 people, but none of them could leave early enough to get to Stockholm before 5pm except Robin and I, so we made our usual pie run and then hung out by the river.  The wind and the cold made the river choppy and our noses red and runny, although we were bundled up pretty well and had some warm coffee to sip on while we waited for the other two car loads to catch up.

Eventually we drove on up the hill and walked around the grounds before ordering pizza rather than after.  With the fading sunlight, we wanted to take in all of our favorite sites before it was too dark.  We visited our friends, the chickens, the cows, the sheep, and the pigs.

A few small groups were set up outside, but most people on the farm were inside the Coop enjoying the wood-fired stove and the relatively new insulation.  We picked out our table and discussed our ordering options.  I was very excited to be bringing six people to A to Z for their first time and for two of them if was their first ever pizza farm!  I always take great pleasure in sharing A to Z with people for the first time.  Late October may not be the most typical Pizza Farm experience, but it is one of my favorites.  The drive along the Mississippi Great River Road was beautiful with the leaves changing colors and the early setting sun.  And the pizza varieties are delicious as always.

This late in the season, visiting the farm feels even more like visiting family.  It is a smaller, more dedicated group and the Pizza Farmers know most of them (including us) by name.  Our group of 8 managed to enjoy our pizza, drinks, and each other’s company long enough that as we were taking our final restroom stops, the staff were cleaning up and setting up family dinner.  We tried not to impose on them for too long, but did talk them into taking a few pictures for us before we headed back to The Cities.  “See you next week!” we said for the last time this year.


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