September 6 Borner Farm Project

September 6 Borner Farm Project

Borner Farm Project Pizza Night in Prescott, Wisconsin has been one of my favorites for several years now. It is a Friday night event, only 45 minutes from Minneapolis, and has been a great place to host larger groups of people including a wonderful place to bring kids. They start early in May and go into October, so you can enjoy the full spectrum of the Pizza Farm Season. And, the pizza. I always always love their classic cheese pizza and the seasonal toppings and desserts never disappoint.

Despite all the things that make Borner Farm Project more accessible, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it this year. They only serve pizza every other week and sometimes I lose track of where we are in the rotation. Fortunately I signed up for the e-newsletter (which I highly recommend) and as I was planning for my weekend trip to Minneapolis I realized that a stop in Prescott would fit perfectly into my schedule. In fact, my final destination on Friday night would be to the home of a friend who had volunteered to host several out-of-town guests and serve pizza. I quickly nominated myself to provide several Borner Pizza Farm Pizzas for all the guests.

Borner started taking pre-orders this year (another invaluable piece of information that I learned from the e-newsletter) and I decided that with my schedule I would call my order in on Thursday. The big problem was deciding what to get off the menu. I couldn’t stick to my original goal of ordering 5 pizzas. Instead I just had to get six! There had to be a cheese and I felt it would be wise to show up with a pepperoni and a Margherita for anyone who wasn’t feeling overly adventurous. The other more seasonal options included the High Summer Special, the Greek, and the Carmelized Fennel and Sausage. I was hungry making that call.

On Friday I traveled from Chicago to Prescott, Wisconsin. The weather was cloudy and cool at the outset, but by the time I reached Borner Farm Project, it truly felt like time for the High Summer Special. I was wearing a tank top and I took a moment to go barefoot in the grass. The farm and the Farm Market were lush with so many crops! I couldn’t stop staring at the tomatoes.

I was the first to arrive on the farm. I was there before some of the staff even arrived and I watched some of the help pull up on bicycles and stash them in the barn. The oven had been lit and burning since the previous night, but things weren’t quite ready on schedule. I didn’t mind at all. I had time to relax, grab a Wisconsin beer, and soak up the sun, while my special Pizza Farm Pizza dinner was prepared.

It took my two trips to carry all of my pizza from the oven to the car. My entire back seat was covered with pizza. And my car smelled amazing. I choose one piece at random – it was the Greek – to eat before I left and I pulled out Prescott to continue on to Minneapolis. One thing I love about Pizza Farms is that the diners go to the pizza, but having a Pizza Farm Pizza delivered to your home is the second best way to enjoy it. It is also a great birthday present, especially if you do that thing where you don’t know what to get someone so you just get them something that you really like. Happy Birthday, K.

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2 Replies on “September 6 Borner Farm Project

  1. Thanks so much for visiting again! Glad you enjoyed the pizzas and were able to pre-order. 🙂 Thanks for the e-newsletter plug too! Great photos… Hope you’ll be back again some day!

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