April 11  A to Z

April 11 A to Z

To make up for not visiting in March, we went right back to A to Z the next week.  We found a few other friends who weren’t able to join us the prior week and trekked out to Stockholm once again.  Robin and I were able to leave work earlier, so we went ahead to get Pie before 5pm closing time.  We noticed that we were beginning to be treated as regulars at Stockholm Pie Company as well and we liked it.  After we stocked up on just about everything that was left, we walked around Stockholm, peeked in shop windows, spotted bald and golden eagles flying around the Mississippi, and counted train cars until our friends who had to work later caught up with us.  We also sampled the lemon pie slice, because it really was just too small of a piece to share between 5 people so it was better to get rid of it.

Once again, we had unseasonably warm weather and were able to eat outside and watch the cows.  One of our friends joining us for dinner was a 20 month old boy.2017-04-11-18-24-36small-e1495637975267.jpg  He has been coming to A to Z since before he was born, just like his baby sister, who has already attended twice while in utero and is going to be born any day now.  I believe the pepperoni was his favorite pizza, although he seemed to enjoy all of them that he tried.   He also loved seeing the cows, the goat and sheep, the chickens, the pigs, and the resident puppy.

While picking up our pizzas, Robin noticed that one of the other customers was the Pie Company owner, who had just closed up shop after selling us most of his remaining pies.  Robin learned some valuable information including that the Stockholm Pie Company will probably be open until at least 5:30pm as the season continues AND that if we know we are coming we can call ahead and request some certain pies be set aside instead of just mixing together all the Tuesday leftovers.

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