April 4  A to Z

April 4 A to Z

Although A to Z Produce started their 2017 Pizza Nights on March 14 (Pi day none the less!), we didn’t make our first trip to Stockholm until April 4.  We had great weather, traffic was thinner than usual, and we had a smooth transition in Prescott, where we gassed up, picked up a friend, and bought some New Glarus for later.  But it was still a race against time as we hoped to get to the Stockholm Pie Company before it closed at 5pm.  We turned off of Great River Road and literally watched the teenage employee turn the hand written sign on the front door from “Open” to “Closed” and give us a little shrug of his shoulders and a sad little you-almost-made-it smile.  Audrey insisted that we should at least get out and make sure they were really closed and to our delight, the owner waved us in and allowed us to purchase as much as we could handle – chocolate cream, coconut cream, cherry, triple berry, and nutella – slices, mini pies, and fun little pie cookies!  Something for everyone and plenty to take home.  It was already a successful night and we hadn’t even made it to the Main Event.

Pizza Night did not disappoint.  We ordered as much as we could off of the menu to split between 4 people.  Our general formula is to take the total number in our group and order one less pizza.  Sometimes we will split one pizza between two flavors so even with just 3 pizzas, we were still able to sample 6 different pizzas!  We shared some beer and a bottle of wine and the weather was unseasonable nice enough for us to sit outside and watch the cows.  The pizza was delicious, the service was welcoming and friendly, the company was lovely, and dessert, as mentioned above, was extremely satisfying, especially since we had worked so hard for it.  Gina even drove above the speed limit to get there before 5!

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